It’s easier than you think to Increase your Amazon Sales with Professional e-Commerce Photos. With the Australian e-Commerce market value predicted to reach A$35.2 billion by 2021, it’s no surprise that retailers small and large are turning to online e-Commerce platforms like Amazon, Shopify and Etsy to sell their products.
Lets face it, a large majority of products listed on the Amazon marketplace are drop shipped products, products that have been picked from a larger catalog and often customized with branding and subtle changes in manufacturing; but the reality of it is – if you can find a product listed on the Amazon Marketplace, you’re sure to find identical listings from other sellers.

So what’s the most difficult part of getting your product noticed in these crowded online marketplaces?
If your start-up costs are slim and you need to be conservative with outgoings, you can definitely look at doing your Amazon Product Photography yourself; However when you take into account the fact that you would need to purchase camera equipment, spend time familiarizing yourself with the camera settings, lighting and backgrounds – not to mention getting hands on with retouching and post production software like Adobe Photoshop; It can all become a bit of a headache. Finally – you need to make sure your images all adhere to Amazons Image Guidelines which are fairly strict and can result in your product listing being declined if they are not met.

The quickest and easiest way to increase Amazon sales with professional e-Commerce photography is by utilizing the services of a professional photographer who is skilled in photographing products for online e-Commerce platforms. While there is obviously a cost associated with procuring such services, this cost is a worthwhile (and tax deductible) investment.
From previous experience, at a bare minimum you will need at least 5 photos to Increase Amazon sales with professional product photography. These photos should be on pure white to adhere with the Amazon Marketplace guidelines:
- A hero photo of the product including any accessories, boxes and packaging.
- A photo of the product by itself front-on.
- A photo of the product by itself on an angle.
- A photo of the product by itself from behind.
- A photo of any noticeable details that should be highlighted on the product.
Once you have your core 5 photos completed and should your budget allow, you can bolster and supplement your product listing by adding more professional lifestyle photos of your products that include props, models and how the product should be used.

The Blake Image Photography are experts at providing fast, professional Amazon e-Commerce photos. We have helped countless brands and businesses by giving their product listings the professional edge over their competitors. We are also very familiar with the Amazon Marketplace image guidelines and answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your listing.
Having professional, polished images of your products is not only important for listings on e-Commerce platforms, but they are also needed for other marketing material, catalogs and valuable assets for any wholesalers or retailers you may have pushing your product for you.
The team over at sum up the importance of having professional e-Commerce photos nicely:
For online retailers, product photography for e-commerce needs to supplement the 5 senses for the item that a shopper would normally rely on to make a purchase decision in-person, and then to increase the odds that they will actually click ‘add to basket.’ It has a considerable amount of ground to cover if it is to deliver this sales conversion. Quality product photography should be able to replace the customers five senses.

In summary – while paying for the services of a professional photographer can sometimes feel like a difficult pill to swallow; particularly if you have little wriggle room in your advertising budget – It plays a critical role in professionally presenting your product to consumers. Next time you’re doing market research, take a look at the sellers that are dominating in sales and you’ll likely find their professional e-Commerce photos are a notch above the rest.
This is tremendous. Appreciation for really being thoughtful and also for deciding on certain marvelous guides most people really want to be aware of.
Great article Blake. Thanks for sharing! As a seller new to Amazon, I was a bit confused by some of the image requirements. After talking to you on the phone earlier today, you really helped answer my questions. I look forward to working with you on launching on new product. Your Amazon Product Photography portfolio is impressive!