Your online presence is absolutely critical, particularly in today’s massively populated, noisy marketplace. These days, fancy flash-based websites aren’t necessary, nor are they favored by the bigger search engines who are responsible for indexing your website and ranking you in hopes to generate as much organic traffic as possible. The go-to with modern-day web design services is simple, powerful, modular designs using popular content management systems like WordPress, Squarespace or Shopify.
While the majority of these providers make it incredibly easy for you to get a website up and running in as little as a couple of hours, often times – companies want something a bit more complex to incorporate their branding, reflect their marketing messages and provide a fresh, modern, polished and interactive experience for their customers. With a unique combination of services including Photography, Graphic Design and Web Design Services, we can provide you with the ultimate creative package that ticks all the boxes.
We work with brands and businesses looking to re-brand, re-design or build a new site from the ground up. We are extremely familiar and use two of the most common content management systems to develop our websites – WordPress and Shopify. The latter, particularly for e-commerce sites and businesses that want to purely focus on moving product online. By using these content management systems, we can provide the client with a simple, flexible way to update website content regardless of skill levels. Provided you can use a simple text editor like Microsoft Word, or Google Docs, you’ll be able to edit content like a pro once the site design is complete.
We like to provide our clients with absolute transparency with our web design services. Analytics and data can be useful in strategic SEO campaigns and provides a greater understanding of how your website is viewed by search engines. It also shows any errors that need to be addressed and provides a detailed look at what visitors are doing on your website. All of this information is provided for free using a combination of Google’s Analytics, Webmaster Tools.